11:30am: TALK – Possums are as Kiwi as Fish and Chips


Dr Emily Major

Possum Advocacy and the Potential for Compassionate Conservation in Aotearoa New Zealand. Dr Emily Major is a vegan academic activist who has dedicated her life to helping alleviate cruelty and violence towards nonhuman animals… particularly those species deemed as ‘pests’.

Her recent doctoral dissertation, ‘Possums are as Kiwi as Fish and Chips’: Possum Advocacy and the Potential for Compassionate Conservation in Aotearoa New Zealand, was chosen as one of the University of Canterbury’s Graduate Success Stories for 2023.

Emily is actively working on publishing research from her thesis and continues to educate the public through various outreach opportunities, such as this presentation with the Vegan Expo, and through her research activism blog, Framing Speciesism. She stays sane through the company of her four rat friends who like to distract with their cheeky antics.